n-dimensional strided
wrapper of CUDA kernel unary functions
wrapper of CUDA kernel pow function
only both is supported
y = abs x
y = cos x
y = exp x
y = exp x
y = -x
max pooling function
reference implementaion of pooling function
y = pow x
TODO implement scale with cudnnScaleTensor rectified linear unit nonlinearity (using cuDNN)
y = 1 / x
y = alpha * x
sigmoid function
y = sin x
y = tan x
hyperbolic tangent
A module for unary functions
TODO: support cudnn functions (see PDF manual in .deb for detail https://developer.nvidia.com/cudnn) - activation (e.g., clipped-relu, elu), cudnnActivationForward/Backward - (non-log) softmax, cudnnSoftmaxForward/Backward - sqrt not, cudnnOpTensor - transform (e.g., contiguous or permute strides), cudnnTransformTensor - reshape (i.e., view), ...??? - reduce (sum, prod, min, max, amax, avg), cudnnReduceTensor - pool (max, average), cudnnPoolingForward/Backward - dropout, cudnnDropoutForward/Backward