an alias of element type (e.g., float, double and int) of variable
CPU storage (i.e., GC dynamic array)
kind of std.algorithm.each for iterating variables inside a chain
total number of elements in variable
kind of std.algorithm.each for iterating variables inside a chain
CUDA -> CPU memory conversion
CPU -> CUDA memory conversion
copy variable into the other device (e.g., CPU -> CUDA or CUDA -> CPU)
create new variable with uninitialized array and the same shape/strides to v on CPU
create new variable with uninitialized array and the same shape/strides to v on CUDA
create new variable with uninitialized array of shape on CPU/CUDA
a helper function to create variable object from slice
a helper function to create variable object from CPU/CUDA array
fill CPU array with zero
create new CPU array filled with zero
stores information for backpropagation
type-erased variable used in BackProp object
A variable has autograd ability with mir.ndslice.Slice like data
a function to get the number of dimensions of variable
a trait to identify variable stored in CPU memory
a trait to identify variable object
A module for a variable used as a node in autograd computation graph
TODO: - support shape ops